Is Your Legacy Wire Rope Shiplift System Driving Up Costs and Lowering Revenue?
Making the switch from wire rope to chain jacks is simple.
See a side-by-side comparison of wire rope vs. chain.
And after the switch? No more expensive grease enters the water.
Moving Parts
And our chain-based system will never experience a failure resulting from a rope skipping a sheave, snagging, and breaking due to debris lodged in the submerged lower sheaves.
The shiplift system of your dreams that fits the reality of your budget
With the Bardex OmniLift™ line of shiplifts, you’ll experience benefits that streamline construction and boost operational efficiency, including:
- Minimize disruption and speed up installation by using your existing civil works with few to no modifications.
- Cut construction costs significantly by reducing the number and size of piles required by up to 33%.
- Save on materials and labor with up to 50% less concrete needed for pier construction.
- Lower your foundation expenses by reducing pile cap thickness by up to 25%.
- Increase your revenue opportunities and market share with up to 25% more lift capacity, using the same number of lift stations.
- Boost operational efficiency and reduce costs by 20% to 33% compared with legacy wire rope systems.
- Upgrade after original duty life or when your yard outgrows its current needs, like some of our repeat clients have.

The chain jack occupies only one-third the space of a winch in wire rope systems.
Pair your revitalized system with a new transfer system.
We can convert legacy dry docks too.