
Floating OmniDock™ – Defense

Supported by the Safier Ingenierie sas ALFOWT modular floating hub and C2C construction method, Bardex’s Floating OmniDock™ revolutionizes ocean launching capabilities.

Integration with Advanced Submarine Technology
Autonomous Submarine Compatibility: The shiplift is equipped to handle autonomous submarines, ensuring seamless integration with modern naval technology.

Enhanced Submarine Support
Specialized Handling for Submarines: Features designed specifically to support the unique requirements of crewed and uncrewed submarines.

Adaptable Shiplift Platform
Scalable Solutions: The shiplift system can be customized to accommodate a wide range of vessel sizes, from small boats to large ships.

Versatile Infrastructure
Tailored Docking Arrangements: The facility can be modified to meet the specific needs of different vessels, providing flexible and efficient docking solutions.

Better Together
Maximize Utility of Available Yard Space: Paired with a transfer system, the shiplift can be used to move ships into all existing maintenance bays.

Floating OmniDock™ – Monopile Launching

What does thinking outside the barge look like? The Bardex® OmniDock™ allows the project to put more monopiles in the water per season and get to power production faster, both lowering LCOE and increasing bankability. Supported by the Safier Ingenierie sas ALFOWT modular floating hub and C2C construction method, Bardex’s Floating OmniDock™ revolutionizes ocean launching capabilities.

A quick look at the Floating OmniDock™ Solution Supported by Safier

Supported by Safier Ingeniere sas ALFOWT modular floating hub and C2C construction method, the Bardex Floating OmniDock™ is revolutionizing how the world thinks about ocean launching capabilities. From traditional commercial and military vessels to offshore wind turbines, the Floating OmniDock™ is infrastructure on the move.

OmniLift™ Shiplift

Première manœuvre du nouvel ascenseur à bateaux “Atlas”, pouvant soulever jusqu’à 4300 tonnes

(First operation of the new “Atlas” boat lift, capable of lifting up to 4,300 tonnes)

The Atlas megayacht platform was constructed in partnership with Matière for La Ciotat Shipyards. The first lift was completed in September 2022 and inaugurated on November 22nd.

(Inauguration of the Atlas-4300t megayacht platform – La Ciotat shipyards)

Located in the pristine waters of La Ciotat, France, near Calanques National Park, the Atlas OmniLift platform will help sustain La Ciotat Shipyard’s status as the singular destination in France with the resources and expertise required to accommodate mega yacht refit projects. In addition to the OmniLift, Bardex designed a modular transfer system with both side- and end-transfer capabilities from the shiplift to the yard. The shiplift and transfer system has a lift capacity of 6,300Te and is capable of moving 105-meter vessels.

Chain Jack Shiplift Animation

One of Bardex’s most important product innovations and contributions to the heavy load handling industry is the Linear Chain Jack. This piece of equipment represents one of the safest and most efficient ways to lift, tension, or move heavy loads using a chain.

Legacy System Conversions

Drydock to OmniLift™ Shiplift Conversion

Smart infrastructure investment doesn’t always mean starting from scratch. Legacy commercial and naval graving docks can realize key benefits with a conversion to an OmniLift™:

Reuse Existing Infrastructure
Leverage Legacy Facilities: Utilize existing drydock facilities to minimize costs and resource expenditure.

Reduce Costly Delays
Expedite Depot-Level Maintenance (DLM): Enhance operational efficiency to prevent delays in depot-level maintenance activities.

Improved Vessel Repair
Schedule Streamlined Maintenance Cycles: Optimize Planned Maintenance System (PMS) schedules for quicker turnaround times.

Learn How to Refit a Wire Rope Shiplift with a Bardex Chain Shiplift (Wire Rope Alternative)

Replace your aging and/or problematic wire rope system with a Bardex Chain Shiplift. With a smaller footprint, cheaper maintenance, and no grease entering the environment #TheChoiceIsChain

Lloyd's Code

This short 2:56 video answers 6 questions on the new Lloyd’s Code changes.

This 5:38 long video answers 10 questions on the new Lloyd’s Code changes.

What do the 2024 Changes to Lloyd’s Lifting Code Mean for Shipyards Interested in Installing Shiplift Facilities?

Lloyd’s Register Code for Lifting Appliances in a Marine Environment (CLAME) Code Notice 2 incorporates a risk-based approach that requires “single points” of failure in the load path be replaced with redundant support systems or mitigated through the application of risk factors.
Designing two chains per lift station has been the gold standard at Bardex from Day 1. Historically, shiplift winch systems have not been required to meet the same design and safety standards as winches used in other similar high-risk applications. We applaud the industry for increasing the risk mitigation efforts of wire rope systems.


Drydocking Technology: Naval Support Infrastructure

The Royal United Services Institute of Nova Scotia hosted a presentation by Robert Taylor, Principal Engineer Shipyard Solutions, Bardex Corporation, on drydocks and vertical shiplifts.

Marine infrastructure, especially drydocks including mobile drydocks, are strategic assets for Canada in peace and conflict for the building, maintenance and repair of government and civil ships. Reshoring ship construction and repair is quickly becoming a global priority in both the east and west. Central to the success of any nation to achieve their maritime goals is modern shipyard infrastructure. Understanding the available technologies, capabilities, time scales and budget for these infrastructure projects is necessary to improve capability. 

Bardex has been contracted by Irving Shipbuilding to construct a shiplift in the Halifax Harbour Narrows to support building of River-class destroyers, and later, maintenance of the destroyers, replenishment oilers and possibly submarines. The new vertical shiplift system at Irving Shipbuilding demonstrates a pragmatic path forward for increasing ship building and sustainment capacity. 

Robert Taylor spoke to developments in ship handling technologies and how these technologies are being used around the world to address the need for expanding vessel launch and retrieval capabilities across the maritime industry and how the Irving Shiplift system fits in this broader context.

Off Vessel Tensioning Mooring System

Off Vessel Tensioning: Install with 0 People on Board, Quickly Disconnect for Floater Maintenance

The Bardex Off Vessel Tensioning (OVT) BarLatch® mooring system is the premier lightweight solution for the offshore wind industry. Fostered by our 60 years of expertise in offshore solutions, the patented OVT method with anchor handling vessel integration has redefined the speed at which platforms become storm-safe. Making the seemingly impossible possible, the OVT method is designed to allow 0-person hours needed, leading to a safer installation process.

Port Industrialization

Bardex Pragmatic Solutions for Offshore Wind Port Industrialization

Unique to the Bardex system is its ability to directly lower the floater for wet tow and retrieve floaters back to dry land to perform major O&M (operations and maintenance) or to extend the life of the FOSW (floating offshore wind) platforms. No other system can do this. This breakthrough improves the supply chain process by providing an integrated extension to the existing quayside and adding an additional assembly area. The assembly of large FOSW platforms, like semis, TLPs (tension leg platforms), etc., can take place on a stable surface, and the assembled systems can be directly lowered for wet tow, reducing the health and safety risks. Compared to floating methods, the OmniLift system is a simpler, safer, and more controlled solution:

  • Is not subject to as many Health & Safety variables as a semi‐submersible barge, such as wave height and quayside mooring
  • Does not require ballasting operations to support load-out
  • Does not require offshore tugs for stability
  • Is not tide dependent

Bardex Solutions for Offshore Wind Serial Port Industrialization

Be prepared for every lift, every time. Our 2nd Generation Chain Jack Platforms are designed for wider loads, so you can lift more than possible with a traditional shiplift and more safely than with a drydock.

Meet the Team

Bardex: Unwavering Commitment to Client Success

Find out more about the people you work with when you become Bardex’s client.

Unwavering Excellence: Join Our Journey

See what qualities Nathan Shaw, Engineering Director at Bardex, looks for when recruiting new engineers.

A Closer Look at the Chain Jack

Shiplift Chain Jack – A (safer) Dry Dock Alternative

A Bardex chain shiplift is a safer alternative to dry docks and wire rope systems. We will custom design and build a system to meet the needs of your unique yard – whether you need an entirely new shiplift OR want to retrofit an existing wire rope shiplift.

Bardex Chain Jack In Action

One of Bardex’s most important product innovations and contributions to the heavy load handling industry is the Linear Chain Jack. This piece of equipment represents one of the safest and most efficient ways to lift, tension, or move heavy loads using chain.

Steel Catenary Risers

Chevron’s Jack/St. Malo Offshore Platform in 360°

For those outside the oil and gas industry, a steel catenary riser (SCR) is a method of transferring fluids between platforms, wells and pipelines. Delivered in 2013, the JSM SCR is an engineering marvel. It’s able to work at a depth of 7,000 ft (2,100 m), at any azimuth, and any angle while landing the pipeline’s end connection in the porch socket for 20 years of service.

Wave Energy

Bardex Paravane Generator

After 6 decades Bardex is still producing first-of-kind technology along with our team partners Hagglunds Product Division of Bosch Rexroth and ABB Motors-Generators.