Espadarte Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO)

“Due to the deep water and high mooring loads that would be encountered in the Campos Basin, it became apparent that the diameter of the winch drum that would be required to accommodate the mooring lines would be too large to realistically fit within the confines of the vessel’s turret. Additional complexities, due to the high loads, included very high wind loads and the need for movable sheaves, which would be required for aligning the winch drum with the load. Given these considerations, it was determined that a simpler more compact solution was needed.”

Read Espadarte’s full story: Chain jack solution – Cranes Today

Water Depth: >800m

Location: Brazil, Campos Basin

Nanhai Shengkai Floating Storage and Offloading Unit (FSOU)

Dis-connectable system for typhoon activity. The system operated from 1993 to early 2020.

Water Depth: 142m

Location: South China Sea

Nanhai Shengkais