We’ve Mastered the Art – and Science – of Delivering Extraordinary Results
Every time you work with Bardex®, from project kick-off to commissioning, you’ll have a success-driven project manager anchored at your side.
Our PMs check all the boxes when it comes to having the skills and experience needed to balance scope, time, and budget. But you’re not here for the PIMBOK definition, and nothing about our team is textbook ordinary.
We’re problem-solving pros across the realms of technical, commercial, and diplomatic puzzles.
Across cultures and time zones, our projects around the globe are successful through teamwork.
We listen carefully, gaining a deep understanding of your needs and challenges, and rise to the occasion to meet whatever circumstances may arise between you and a completed project.
Elevate your yard
These skills set us apart and, we’ve found from experience, are what will inspire your confidence and trust in us to make your project a success on every measure. Because when it’s time for your next project – and the one after that – Bardex would be honored to be the one you choose to work with again.

Used continuously for over 20 years, this shiplift’s service life was cut short by a vital capacity upgrade – not performance. The original high-use shiplift was typically needed 2 – 3 times a day, 5 days a week. The Republic of Korea Navy’s commitment to service modern, higher density vessels lead them to choosing Bardex a second time. The turn-key renovation was delivered in 2021.