Breathe New Life Into Your Legacy Graving Dock with the OmniLift™ Shiplift
Smart infrastructure investment doesn’t always mean starting from scratch. Legacy commercial and naval graving docks can realize key benefits with a conversion to an OmniLift™ shiplift by Bardex®:
Reuse Existing Infrastructure
Leverage Legacy Facilities: Utilize existing drydock facilities to minimize costs and resource expenditure.
Reduce Costly Delays
Expedite Depot-Level Maintenance (DLM): Enhance operational efficiency to prevent delays in depot-level maintenance activities.
Improved Vessel Repair Schedule
Streamline Maintenance Cycles: Optimize Planned Maintenance System (PMS) schedules for quicker turnaround times.
Unlock the power of Omni with the OmniLIft™ Shiplift System
The OmniLift name is derived from the Latin word for “all,” and we take its moniker seriously. Experience one seamless solution designed to meet every docking need, every time.
Flexible Docking Solutions
Support Simultaneous Docking: The facility is designed to accommodate multiple vessels at once, enhancing operational efficiency.
Dynamic Berthing Capabilities
Adapt to Various Vessel Configurations: The system can handle a range of vessel types and sizes, providing versatile docking options.
Integration with Advanced Submarine Technology
Autonomous Submarine Compatibility: The shiplift is equipped to handle autonomous submarines, ensuring seamless integration with modern naval technology.
Enhanced Submarine Support
Specialized Handling for Submarines: Features designed specifically to support the unique requirements of crewed and uncrewed submarines.
Adaptable Shiplift Platform
Scalable Solutions: The shiplift system can be customized to accommodate a wide range of vessel sizes, from small boats to large ships.
Versatile Infrastructure
Tailored Docking Arrangements: The facility can be modified to meet the specific needs of different vessels, providing flexible and efficient docking solutions.
Better Together
Maximize Utility of Available Yard Space: Paired with a transfer system, the shiplift can be used to move ships into all existing maintenance bays.
Solving heavy lift challenges is what we do day in and day out – take the first step to solving yours by reaching out!