Photo Credit: Oceantic Network


This award-finalist lifting platform can launch and retrieve floating wind foundations, marine structures, and vessels.

ventus award

Photo Credit: Oceantic Network

3 Technologies Integrated into 1 Multi-Purpose Device

The OmniLift integrates three proven engineering technologies: shiplift chain jacks, the long-span steel truss, and lift span bridges. By combining these technologies in a new way, we have innovated a high-capacity, long-span lift platform capable of launching and retrieving floating wind foundations, marine structures, and vessels. Using modern materials and design tools, the design and construction of an OmniLift is well within the capability of any modern economy. The expected service life of the investment is at least 50 years.

The Only Functional and Economical Choice

Unique to the Bardex® system is its ability to directly lower the floater for wet tow and retrieve floaters back to dry land to perform major O&M (operations and maintenance) or to extend the life of the FOSW (floating offshore wind) platforms. No other system can do this. This breakthrough improves the supply chain process and streamlines the assembly process for serial production by: Providing an integrated extension to the existing quayside and adding an additional assembly area. The assembly of large FOSW platforms, like semis, TLPs (tension leg platforms), etc., can take place on a stable surface, and the assembled systems can be directly lowered for wet tow, reducing the health and safety risks. Compared to floating methods, the OmniLift system is a simpler, safer, and more controlled solution:

Is not subject to as many Health & Safety variables as a semi‐submersible barge, such as wave height and quayside mooring

Does not require ballasting operations to support load-out

Does not require offshore tugs for stability

Is not tide dependent

Please see our article, “Monopile Delivery Directly to the Sea”, in Wind - PES Magazine.

Read Robert Taylor’s paper, “Improving Multi-Use Port Facilities through Key Design Parameters”, presented at the 35th PIANC World Congress in South Africa.

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Socially Responsible

Addresses a major concern of local residents regarding remnants that could be left behind at the end of a FOSW project’s lifecycle through the ability to retrieve retired floaters.

The OmniLift system can serve as a drydock in the region for decades after the windfarm installation is completed, providing business opportunities to port and ship repair industries and job opportunities to the local workforce.

Reduces emissions from service vessels by shortening the travel distances for maintenance.

Platform installation generally optimizes local content and workforce.

By leveraging and integrating the strengths of proven technologies, Bardex has created a revolutionary lifting device that expands heavy-lift capability beyond what, until now, was thought possible.

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A Chain Jack? What’s that?

The OmniLift name is derived from the Latin word for “all,” and we take its moniker seriously. Launch and retrieve floating wind foundations made from any material or by any manufacturer. Once the installation of the wind farm is complete, the OmniLift can be used for other purposes, such as commercial or defense vessel repair, offsetting capital expenditures.

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