There’s Nothing More Important than Human Capital

0 Person-Hours Onboard for Installation

The Bardex® Off Vessel Tensioning (OVT) BarLatch® mooring system is the premier lightweight solution for the offshore wind industry. Fostered by our 60 years of expertise in offshore solutions, the patented OVT method with anchor handling vessel integration has redefined the speed at which platforms become storm-safe. 

Bardex Team

The OVT method is designed to employ our patented, field-proven BarLatch® Fairlead Chain Stoppers technology, which has been in service since 2011. Approved by the ABS, BV and DNV, this equipment is well suited for any area in the world.

Perks for Your Energy Transition Project

  • Hook-up and tension each mooring line in less than 12 hours to achieve storm safe conditions as quickly as possible.
  • 0 person-hours onboard during installation and tensioning.
  • High pretensions achievable in shallow water with minimal bollard pull.
  • Tension sensing gauged to your risk tolerance via our unique load-measurement system that uses Linear Variable Displacement Transducers (LVDTs).
    • A single LVDT is robust enough to use on its own.
    • Multiple LVDTs can be used for cost-effective risk reduction and extra peace of mind.

Read Nick Atallah’s abstract from his paper, “Learnings from Offshore Oil & Gas: Key Translational Success Factors in Mooring Hookup and Tensioning Methods for Floating Wind”, presented at OTC in May 2024.

Read Now

Quick Disconnect for Routine and Emergency Turbine Maintenance
Starting in the 5th year of a field’s life, an estimated 5% of turbines will return to port for maintenance. Our method simplifies and de-risks the disconnection process, saving time and money for every turbine, across every return-maintenance call for the life of the field. 

Plan Ahead for Easy Decommissioning
Difficult conversations are taking place around the globe to decide how to decommission oil and gas assets. These same conversations need to be happening for floating wind as well. 

Quick mooring disconnection leads to a simple Disconnect --> Tow --> Recycle plan that can be communicated to stakeholders across industries, governments, and local communities. Planning for platform life extension and/or recycling can be further addressed by the addition of a Bardex OmniLift™ Launch and Recovery System.